251 words you can spell with a calculator. 27.10.2013

Pretty comprehensive.via
bee                  338
bees                 5338
beg                  638
begs                 5638
beige                36138
belie                31738
belies               531738
bell                 7738
belle                37738
belles               537738
bellies              5317738
bells                57738
besiege              3631538
besieges             53631538
bib                  818
bible                37818
bibles               537818
bibs                 5818
big                  618
bile                 3718
bilge                36718
bilges               536718
bill                 7718
billies              5317718
bills                57718
bless                55378
blesses              5355378
bliss                55178
blisses              5355178
blob                 8078
blobs                58078
bob                  808
bobbies              5318808
bobble               378808
bobbles              5378808
bobs                 5808
bog                  608
boggle               376608
boggles              5376608
bogie                31608
bogies               531608
bogs                 5608
boil                 7108
boils                57108
bole                 3708
boles                53708
boll                 7708
bolls                57708
boob                 8008
boobies              5318008
boobless             55318008
boobs                58008
boogie               316008
boogies              5316008
boos                 5008
booze                32008
boozes               532008
bosh                 4508
boss                 5508
bosses               535508
bozo                 0.208
bozos                50208
ebb                  883
ebbs                 5883
eel                  733

Skip to the loo. 24.10.2013

You would wouldn’t you! Such pretty rolls.

Categories: Graphics. Packaging.

Specimens of Chromatic Wood Type & Borders (1874)

We think you will enjoy this. Click here and see it in all its glory.

Inside the Rainbow.

A new book at P&C which explores the world of old Russian childrens books, from a visual and political point of view. Full of lovely type and cracking illustrations.

Categories: Books P&C news.


Yes, it’s pugs in costumes.

Categories: Just because.

Lolly. 23.10.2013

Giant lolly stick by Luca Frei.

Categories: Art & craft.

Ephemera from Israel.

Lots more in this ridiculously good stream.

P&C for AnOther Magazine.

We have a new weekly column over on AnOther Magazine. Three Good Things every Wednesday. Take a look. This week it is about bus stops.

Consume Consume.

A bewildering blog of the random, sad, amazing, crazy, ironic. Pretty much everything is covered here.

Skate off. 22.10.2013

Old skate rink labels (thanks letterology!) via here.