Cot, 1940s. Finland. 05.02.2014

Categories: Furniture etc.

Show Case. 04.02.2014

By Schoen Buch.

Categories: Furniture etc.

A nice gif.

Via here. You might also like these.

Erik Nitsche.

Gold embossing from the covers of ‘New illustrated library of science & invention, 1962-66’ Via Design Is Fine.

Categories: Books Graphics.

Mordvalaisten pukuja kuoseja (1896)

A book of traditional Mordvin costume patterns. The whole book is here, it’s rather good.

Categories: Books Graphics. Pattern.

Banana Ripeness Guide. 03.02.2014

Categories: Edibles Just because.

Jeffrey Simmons.

Concentric watercolour circles by Jeffrey Simmons, reminiscent of school time chromatography.


Categories: Art & craft.

Hacked off.

A furniture collection created from hacked IKEA products, created by Italian company Teste di Legno. Real or 3D visuals?

Categories: Furniture etc.

Bird Flash Cards, 1962. 01.02.2014

Pick your own.

Important February Dates.

7 World Nutella Day

16 Crab Racing Day

23 Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

27 Polar Bear Day

28 Public Sleeping Day

Categories: Just because.