Ekiben. 18.08.2020

Ekiben are train station bento boxes, which you can find in most large railways stations in Japan. They are always delicious and such good value! Here is a collection of old Ekiben wrappers. 

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Categories: Graphics. Packaging.

Light years. 13.08.2020

Hong Kong neon in the 1970s/80s. Part of this brilliant archive from the era. Photos by Keith Macgregor.

hk4 hk1 hk2 hk3

We ❤️ stationery 28.07.2020

Our new cards, made with Scout Editions, celebrate all the things we love. Labels, paint sets, erasers, pens, pencils, envelopes! 



In Japan ‘omiyage’ are souvenirs, usually edible, given to coworkers after travelling. Here is a lovely interactive map of some found throughout Japan.

omi1 omi4omi3 omi2

Fantastico! 27.07.2020

Italian shop front signage, hundreds of them.

it1 it2 it3 it4

Pencil Font. 22.07.2020

Designed by Jean Larcher, 1976.


Categories: Graphics. Stationery

Céramiques de la Lys (1940s) 12.07.2020

Found by us, scanned by us.

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P&C X Arjowiggins. 09.07.2020

Part 1 in an ongoing collaboration with Arjowiggins. Celebrating their papers & our stationery, and the colourful possibilities.


Coloriages, 1942. 03.07.2020

Found in Lille a couple of years ago, scanned by us.

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Colour Determiner, 1948. 01.07.2020

Via here.

cd1 cd2 cd3